Simply some jokes for everyone to enjoy.

April 28th is Clean Comedy Day, a day that focuses on family-fun humor. Since I'm not a comedian, I thought I'd share fifteen clean jokes I've enjoyed about cleaning. You know... since we're keeping the comedic humor clean.
In case it's helpful, below are the topics covered in this post:
15 Cleaning Jokes
Below are some family-friendly jokes about cleaning:
1. How do you clean Walt Disney World?
With an Orlando broom.
2. Why did the burglar take a shower?
He wanted to make a "clean" getaway.
3. My friend wanted to know if I knew any laundry puns.
I told her I've got loads of them.
4. How did the dinosaur get clean?
With a meteor shower.
5. What is a clean house a sign of?
There's no internet connection.
6. What did the broom say to the vacuum?
"I'm so tired of people pushing us around."
7. I'm not really into spring cleaning.
In fact, I'm not into summer, fall, or winter cleaning either.
8. What do I mean when I say I cleaned my room?
I usually mean I made a path from my door to my bed.
9. I think I want a job cleaning mirrors.
It's something I could really see myself doing.
10. Deep thought of the day?
When you clean a vacuum cleaner, you become a vacuum cleaner.
11. Every time you get the urge to clean, watch "Hoarders."
You may decided your house isn't that dirty after all.
12. How do you contact the spirit of a deceased window cleaner?
Using a Squeegee board.
13. I start my new job as a street cleaner today.
There's no training. You just pick it up as you go along.
14. Someone sent me an email about using Vodka for cleaning around the house.
It worked! The more Vodka I drank, the cleaner the house looked.
15. My friend got a Ph.D. in washing machines.
Now they call him the spin doctor.
What's Next?
Want more laughs? Take some time to share jokes with family and friends or watch a 'clean' comedy on TV. Personally, I'll watch some lighthearted and funny videos on social media later tonight to end my day.
Comment below to share your favorite 'clean' cleaning jokes I missed.
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Thanks, and have a great day!
Simply Jelly Jam