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5 Simple Things I See On The Road That Make Me Smile

Writer's picture: Simply Jelly JamSimply Jelly Jam

It does not take much to make me happy when I see while I am out in the town.

Smiling Girl (Media from Wix)
Smiling Girl (Media from Wix)

Sometimes the simple things in life will put a smile on one's face. I thought I would share five things I sometimes see on the road that make me smile.

In case it's helpful, below are the topics covered in this post:

#1: Happy Dogs

What did you do the last time you saw a dog stick their head out of a car window? Did you pay it any attention? How did it make you feel?

For me, I cannot help but smile when I see a dog with its head out of the window. It is a sign that the dog is happy and content with their ride. They are cleansing their nose with [ideally] the fresh air that hits their face.

Dogs who stick their heads out of car windows appear to be enjoying themselves. My dogs do it as well while wagging their tails. Sometimes my senior dog, Shadow, will 'talk' to people in nearby cars.

I also smile when I see a dog walking with their person. The dog is getting some much needed fresh air. They are receiving an opportunity to stretch their legs and empty their bladders. I especially tend to laugh when I see a dog playing with their person or another dog as I drive past.

I am elated when others are happy, including those of the four-legged variety.

#2: Green Lights

It does not happen all too often, but those rare days when I am able to make every green light leading to my destination are remarkable!

I am ever more grateful for this rare occurrence when I am trying to get somewhere by a certain time. It appears the odds are in my favor helping me get to where I need to be safely and quickly.

A drive where I do not have to stop often, especially not for a red light, is enough to make me smile when I reach my destination.

#3: Customized Vehicles

Drivers who customize their vehicles are showcasing their interest and/or passion about something. They want the world to know what they care about, even if it is just temporary until they change the design.

To me, a customized car also means a driver cares about their car and do not plan to get rid of it any time soon. They want to show off their pride and joy, the vehicle they rely on regularly to get them where they need to go.

If you are going to be in your vehicle often, why not customize it in a way that showcases your style and makes you happy?

That is why I smile when I see someone driving a vehicle with a custom paint job, unique accessories, or fun decals and stickers. I admire the time, effort, and cost a driver put into their vehicle to make it special to them.

For example, there is a vehicle I see driving around town often themed to Pichu, Pikachu, and Raichu. It is decorated with decals on the doors and windows, antenna toppers adhered to the roof somehow, and plushes within the car. Obviously, the driver loves this evolution of Pokémon characters and is proud to show off his/her pride.

When I visit my old hometown, I regularly see a car in the local newspaper's parking lot painted with Marvel characters and symbols. It appears to be hand painted with some colors faded, but it is a beautiful work of art on a vehicle the driver is proud to show off daily.

#4: A Friendly Gesture

Have you given room for another driver to merge in front of you? How many drivers thank you for doing so?

There are some drivers that do not show thanks in any way, which makes it sweeter when a driver does. Whether it is a wave of the hand or a quick light of their flashers, it makes me smile to receive a friendly gesture from a stranger who did not have to say thanks to being with. Then again, I did not have to give them room to merge ahead of me, either. It is just common courtesy on a road traveled by many.

#5: A Good Song

Some drivers may prefer to listen to a good podcast, news story, or comedy routine while driving. There are a few drivers who prefer absolute silence for some peace of mind. I love to hear a good song when I am behind the wheels.

While I love a good song and sometimes sing along to it badly, I cannot help but let out a huge smile when a good song ends as I reach my destination.

Sure, I could sit in the car a moment longer to let the song finish before I step out, but it is a neat feeling when the song ends as I am parking or shutting the engine off. The timing is perfect and makes me feel good about myself at that moment in time.

What's Next?

I can think of several other things I sometimes see on the road that make me smile. Do not be surprised if I share another five things in the future.

Comment below to share the simple things you see on the road that make you smile!

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Thanks, and have a great day!

Simply Jelly Jam


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Simply Jelly Jam


location: Texas, USA

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