Using a coloring page to make a handmade card.
I colored a page of a coloring book and used it for a handmade greeting card.
In case it's helpful, below are the main points covered in this post:
Coloring a Page

I flipped through my Cute Chibis Coloring Book for images that I could use for a handmade greeting card.
There were many pages that would have worked well for a greeting card front, but a page filled with cats caught my eye. I chose to color the page with various alcohol ink markers available in my collection.
Making the Card
To make the card, I used Hello Hobby A2 Cards & Envelopes so that I would not have to cut and score anything myself. Ready-to-use cards are convenient if you have them, but I included a diagram of the card measurements in case you want to cut and score your own cardstock paper.
I adhered the colored page onto the card front with a mix of double-sided permanent tape and glue. Using both was overkill, but I wanted to make sure everything remained where I placed it days, months, or even years from now.
Because the colored page was larger than the card front, I cut along the edges of the card and set aside the excess to decorate the inside.
I cut a few strips from the excess-colored page to adhere along the outer edges inside the card. Although it was not necessary, I colored the edges of the cut image with a black marker to match the original image's outline. This 'masked' my uneven cut. It also looks good to me, but this may not matter to other crafters.
I chose not to add a sentiment. I had no need to use the card now, so I wanted it available for any occasion that seemed fitting.
Decorating the Envelope

I cut a few cats from the colored page to decorate the envelope. I adhered a duo of cats towards the bottom-left on the front of the envelope, leaving enough space for a return address, recipient address, and mailing stamp.

I adhered a cat (tape/glue on the top third of the cat's head) on the outside of the seal flap on the back of the envelope. I made sure not to seal the flap closed since I wanted to be able to open and seal it later.
What's Next?
Check-out the following videos a few more examples of handmade greeting cards using coloring book pages:
Comment below to share what you do with completed coloring book pages!
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Thanks, and have a great day!
~Simply Jelly Jam