My aspiration and traits based on a video game.
For grins, I recreated my household in The Sims 4. I selected three in-game traits for each member of my household and an aspiration for the human members.
In case it's helpful, below are the topics covered in this post:
What is The Sims 4?
Sim Jelly Jam (Adult)
Sim Dad (Elder)
Sim Shadow (Elder Dog)
Sim Rascal (Adult Dog)
What's Next?
What is The Sims 4?
The Sims 4 is a simulation video game by Maxis and Electronic Arts (EA). Players can embrace their creativity and imagination doing any of the following:
Building and decorating homes.
Creating and customizing characters.
Fulfilling Sims' dreams or creating chaos through gameplay.
It is not uncommon for a player, also known as a Simmer, to recreate themselves and those they know in The Sims 4. I did just that recently for fun.
Sim Jelly Jam (Adult)
My Sim self does not look identical to how I look in real life, but it is not too far off. My hair and clothing selection is like how I get ready any given morning.
I believed the Knowledge aspiration as a Renaissance Sim best suited who I am today. I love learning new things which benefited me in the workforce.
I was a quick learner and easily took on new tasks and responsibilities to better support my department and customers. Recently, I dabbled with different art mediums and craft tools to explore new ways to unleash my creativity.
Below are the three traits I selected for my Sim self and the in-game descriptions:
Creativity. "These Sims tend to be Inspired, can Share Creative Ideas with other Sims, and may become upset if they're not creative for a period of time."
Socially Awkward. "These Sims tend to struggle in social situations and build charisma more slowly, but gain powerful Moodlets and Sentiments when they are able to overcome their awkwardness and accompanying nervousness to form close friendships."
Childish. "These Sims gain powerful Moodlets from watching the Kids Network, become Playful when playing with Children, and become Happy when playing with Children's toys."
The Creativity description is on-point for me. My colleagues often invited me to brainstorm meetings that I was not otherwise involved with. My ability to shoot non-stop ideas was enough for them to narrow their decision-making focus.
Nowadays, I love doing something creative any chance I get. If I am not actively working on a creative project, I am thinking about what I want to do or create next.
My colleagues and customers assumed I was an extrovert because I frequently taught and presented to large groups of people. When I worked on a military installation, I presented to hundreds or thousands of audience members every few months.
I am a Socially Awkward person. I prefer to avoid social interactions at all costs because it makes me feel uncomfortable. If I am not prepared to deliver a speech or caught off-guard with a question I was not prepared for, there is a chance I would choke and struggle with words. I used to stutter in my youth, and it sometimes haunts me when I am in an uncomfortable social situation.
Lastly, I am a Childish person. I love RC cars, companion robots, and blind bag or mystery toys. I just bought a twenty-pack of Million Warriors to collect and hide around the house to mess with my Dad.
I will never completely "grow up" as long as I continue to embrace my inner child. What is funny is my Mom claims I will never marry because nobody likes childish women, so I may never fall in love or marry based on her logic.
However, there were other traits I considered for my Sim self before I decided on the Childish traits. Below are a few traits that are relatable to me:
Overachiever. "These Sims tend to raise their skills faster and are happy when they finish work tasks but are a little harder to get along with as friends."
Lazy. "These Sims gain powerful Moodlets from Watching TV or Napping as well as from Comfortable furniture, become Fatigued more quickly from exercise, and grow Tense when performing household chores."
Dog Lover. "These Sims love to be near dogs. They will gain relationships faster with dogs and socialize with dogs more than the average Sim."
Gloomy. "These Sims tend to be Sad, can Share Melancholy Thoughts to other Sims, and while sad, gain a boost to their Creative Skill." (I am a moderately depressed pessimist.)
Sim Dad (Elder)
My Dad moved in a few years ago, making him a member of my household. My parents were separated when I was young, so we did not live together for most of my youth. I did not get to know my Dad well until adulthood.
In recent years, I learned a lot about his traits, likes, and dislikes. For example, Dad prefers wearing Polo shirts, jeans, and sneakers. I gave my Sim Dad an outfit he would wear any given day but recreating much of his facial features was not easy.
I gave my Sim Dad the Knowledge aspiration as a Computer Whiz was spot-on! Dad was a meteorologist in the Air Force using the newest tech available at the time.
Dad then retired and went on to work with on computers for the state and some Fortune 500 companies. Now retired, he spends most of his days working on or using a computer.
Below are the three traits I selected for my Sim Dad:
Loner. "These Sims become Happy when alone, do not receive negative Moodlets when their Social Need is low, become Tense around strangers, and become Embarrassed often by social rejection."
Geek. "These Sims become Happy when Reading Sci Fi or Playing Video Games, may become Tense if they haven't played much, are better at finding Collectibles, and can Discuss Geek Things with other Geek Sims."
Self-Assured. "These Sims tend to be Confident."
One thing about my Dad is he does not "become Embarrassed often by social rejection." Dad does not care what other people think about him. He is comfortable with who he is, and that is one of many things I love most about my Dad.
There was one trait that fits my Dad perfectly:
Good. "These Sims become Happy around Sims with positive Moodlets, can Donate to Charity, become Sad when interacting with Evil Sims, and can Discuss World Peace."
Dad experienced homelessness for a brief period, so he never hesitates to help those in need whenever he can.
Sim Shadow (Elder Dog)
Pets in The Sims 4 do not have aspirations to select. If I could make one up for my senior dog, Shadow, I would say he aspires to be a close-knit pack dog. I believe that anyone I speak to or hang out with is considered a member of the pack in Shadow's eyes.
Below are the three traits I selected for my Sim Shadow:
Friendly. "These pets tend to be Friendly to other Sims, and will happily greet other Sims around them."
Couch Potato. "These dogs are low-energy creatures that like to relax and unwind with their owners rather than run around."
Loyal. "These dogs want to be closer to their owners and love to be petted. They like to follow their owners around."
Even before his joints worsened with old age, Shadow was always a lazy dog. When Shadow was two years old, I scheduled an appointment with his doctor to see why he would refuse daily walks except to potty (we lived in a small apartment and walked frequently).
Shadow's doctor assured me, with utmost confidence, that my dog was lazy. It was that day I learned that not all lab mixes are high-energy dogs as many people in my life led me to believe.
Sim Rascal (Adult Dog)
If I could make one up for my seven-year-old Rascal, I would say he aspires to be a threat detector and alert dog. He is the first to know about a threat, even if there is not an actual threat to worry about.
Below are the three traits I selected for my Sim Rascal:
Jumpy. "These dogs are easily frightened and like to hide more often. They will often shy away from things like fights."
Vocal. "These dogs like to howl occasionally, and can even sing on command."
Loyal. "These dogs want to be closer to their owners and love to be petted. They like to follow their owners around."
Rascal does not howl or sing on command, but he barks at the neighbors or to let me know of potential threats. Fortunately, he does not bark excessively, but it is still a loud trait he possesses.
What's Next?
Whether you play The Sims 4 or not, why not take a moment to select your traits and aspiration based on the video game? A full list of The Sims 4 traits is available on The Sims Wiki. There are a lot you can choose from!
Comment below to share your aspiration and three top traits that best describes who you are.
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Thanks, and have a great day!
Simply Jelly Jam