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July 1st is Joke Day

Writer: Simply Jelly JamSimply Jelly Jam

This holiday is no joke! Then again, it's all about the jokes.

Laughing Friends (Media from Wix)
Laughing Friends (Media from Wix)

Did you know today is International Joke Day? It's a great day to take in a good laugh or make someone else laugh. After all, it's believed that laughter is the best medicine.

About This Day

Joke Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated worldwide. American author Wayne Reinagel celebrated this holiday to promote his Funniest Office Jokes books. I couldn't find any additional information online about how this day came be celebrated every July 1st worldwide.

A joke is a statement that provokes amusement or laughter. Jokes are often told as a narrative story with an unexpected climatic twist or punchline at the end.

Jokes aren't meant to be taken seriously. They're meant for people to share smiles and laughter with one another.

Research shows that jokes contribute to one's psychological and physical well-being, making them a strong and powerful medicine for all.

So, why not celebrate the day with laughter?!

How to Celebrate

Tell a joke or two to your colleagues, family members, and friends. Get one or all of them to tell you about a joke in return.

Why not tell a joke to your pet and observe their reaction after you deliver the punchline? Chances are your pet would look at you like you lost your mind, but it's still one way to celebrate the day!

Watch or listen to comedy. It could be a movie, video on social media, or standup comedian. Make it something that makes you smile or laugh! I don't see anything wrong with watching or listening to something funny that you've heard once or twice before. If it still makes you feel good inside, then why not?

Some Jokes I Like

You can get started with your celebration by checking out some of these short jokes:

  • Want to hear a joke about a roof? The first one's on the house!

  • Two artists had an art contest. In ended in a draw.

  • I invented a new word: plagiarism.

  • Helvetica and Times New Roman walk into a bar. "Get out of here!" shouts the bartender. "We don't serve your type!"

  • Once my dog ate all the Scrabble tiles. For days he kept leaving little messages around the house.

  • I stayed up all night and tried to figure out where the sun was. Then it dawned on me.

  • Muggers are jerks, but you still gotta hand it to them.

  • Did you hear the rumor going around about butter? Never mind. I'm not going to spread it.

  • There are basically three types of people in the world: those who can count and those who can't.

  • I have a fear of speed bumps, but I'm slowly getting over it.

  • My teachers told me I'd never amount to much since I procrastinate so much. I told them, "Just wait and see!"

  • What do you call bears with no ears? B.

  • I entered ten puns in a contest to see which would win. No pun in ten did.

  • Do you want to hear a construction joke? Sorry. I'm still working on it.

What's Next?

I'll end my day with watching funny animal videos that'll make me smile or laugh. I'm a sucker for a good pet clip!

Know a funny joke? Login and Sign up to share a joke that'll make others laugh.

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Thanks, and have a great day!

Simply Jelly Jam


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Simply Jelly Jam


location: Texas, USA

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