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March 2024 Journal Design

Writer: Simply Jelly JamSimply Jelly Jam

Updated: Feb 27, 2024

Pen and marker doodles of disorganized junk.

This month's journal design theme was inspired by the cozy puzzle game: A Little to the Left. It is the game I am currently hooked on.

NOTE: While the pages are like those who setup their Bullet Journals (BuJo), I use this journal more as a memory keeper/diary. The BuJo-inspired pages encourage me to make note of the good things in life, even on the worst days.

In case it's helpful, below are the topics covered in this post:

Calendar Overview Pages

March Overview Pages ft. Tool and Trinkets
March Overview Pages ft. Tool and Trinkets

I was inspired by the cozy puzzle game: A Little to the Left. I played it a lot recently to relax and take my mind off of things, especially while I was at my Mom's house last week.

For the calendar overview, I doodled a few items one may find in a toolbox or junk drawer. In honor of the game, I also doodled a cat in a box. The game has several levels dedicated to cats.

I regret not adding more doodle to clutter the pages more. It is bland with little color, so I may have to add more to it when I have the chance.

The calendar overview is where I note important dates I want to document in my journal.

The larger calendar fills much of both pages. I note events such as birthdays, appointments, and holidays within the appropriate block that represents a day in the month. During the month, I will make a short note of something that happened.

On the right, I will note the best and worst things to happen during the month. While I write a line of text highlighting one good thing about that day on my highlights page, I believed it was important to document the bade things as well. It will allow me to reflect on the past and press on with the future.

I also have a mini calendar for next month and another box where I'll note next month's events coming soon. I like being able to visually see ahead to things I may need to be aware of before those days come.

Productivity-related notes like to-do lists are managed in a separate and more simplistic Bullet Journal.

Hobbies and Dogs' Pages

Hobbies & Dogs Tracker Pages ft. Office and Sewings Items
Hobbies & Dogs Tracker Pages ft. Office and Sewings Items

For the hobbies & dogs pages, I doodled mostly office and sewing supplies. This is my homage to March as National Craft Month in the US. It is colorful and a lot more pleasant to look at compared to the previous pages.

Since my hobbies & dogs pages primarily track my dogs, it only felt right to include Snoopy and his best friend Woodstock. Since I had a lot of empty space, I added three more yellow birds.

My hobbies & dogs are tracked across a two-page spread. While many journal enthusiasts track their habits, tracking my favorite hobbies reminds me to dedicate time for fun. The hobbies I track are:

  • arts + crafts,

  • writing, and

  • gaming.

For my dogs, I track the following:

  • when they go for a joy ride,

  • when they go for a good walk,

  • when I've cared for their coat with a brush, leave-in shampoo, or bath,

  • when they received teeth care with brush chews or teeth brushing, and

  • when they get to relax with a picnic in the park.

I especially wanted to track my puppy's training progress. We will focus on mastering the following skills:

  • come,

  • quiet,

  • and heel.

Highlights and Mood Pages

Highlights and Mood Pages ft. Various Cluttered Items
Highlights and Mood Pages ft. Various Cluttered Items

At the bottom of the highlights page, I doodled a few more office and sewing items. The page looks empty in the photo, but it will fill-up by the end of the month.

At the bottom of the mood tracker page, I replicated one of the levels from the game. The page will look dull as I color-in the items throughout the month. I hope to see a lot of yellow and orange!

Every night, I write a line of text highlighting one good thing about that day on my highlights page (left). I will write about a simple thing that made me happy.

Even on the worst days, I try to think about a highlight of that day to write down. This page is intentionally left blank since I will fill it in throughout the month.

I treat my mood tracker page (right) as a coloring page of sorts. Each night, I will normally color-in a part of an image (or shape) that represents my overall mood for that day: awesome, okay, sick, or bad/sad.

What's Next?

Why not decorate your journal pages in honor of your current favorite game? It would be a creative way to remember a game you enjoy!

Have you set up your journal design? Comment below to share what theme you went with and what materials you used to create it.

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Thanks, and have a great day!

Simply Jelly Jam


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Simply Jelly Jam


location: Texas, USA

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