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My 2021 Resolutions

Updated: Jan 12, 2021

Making myself a few goals to achieve within 12 months.

Fortune Cookie Watercolor Doodle
Fortune Cookie Watercolor Doodle

I once again decided to make myself a few resolutions to work towards in 2021. I've made myself three obtainable goals with mini goals to achieve them. I also made myself one wish that's a far stretch and somewhat outside of my control.

Why I Made Resolutions

When I Completed a Resolution last year, I felt exhilarated! I don't make resolutions and didn't expect any of my resolutions from last year to come to fruition. However, I managed to achieve half of them by the end of 2020. I didn't complete all because I either started to late or feared that I wasn't good enough to attempt it.

Even though I didn't complete all my 2020 resolutions, I felt a sense of accomplishment when I completed the first one. That resolution was a wish or want that was outside of my comfort zone, but I gave it a try for six months as I documented in my journal.

Achieving that first resolution, and realizing that the resolution became my new hobby, showed growth and progression in overcoming my doubts and fear. I want to feel that again in 2021.

Last year, I made several resolutions to fill a page in my journal. I realized too many resolutions, but they were more hopeful wishes than obtainable goals.

This year I wanted to make myself four resolutions or goals to work towards in 2021. I also made a mini checklist to help me stay on track to achieving these resolutions.

I choose to believe I can achieve and complete at least three of the four resolutions by the end of the year.

Resolution #1: Lose Weight

I know losing weight is a cliche resolution people make every year, and it's one of my goals for this year.

For years, I've been overweight for my height. I gained more weight during 2020 because I've been less active. Shadow cannot make long walks anymore, Rascal remains active at home and with short walks, and my paranoia during the pandemic kept me from long walks with my RC cars at the parks.

An active change is needed, and my clothes are tight. I can either lose weight to fit in my clothes better or buy new clothes and deal with my Mom constantly calling me fat. I decided to work towards the former.

I don't own a weigh scale, so I couldn't tell you how many pounds or kilograms I want to lose. I simply want to lose enough to fit into my clothes more comfortably. I've never been fond of tight fighting outfits.

I figured I'd try the following to lose weight this year:

  • Decide on a fun way to exercise

  • Buy workout clothes?

  • Exercise at least three times a week

  • Resume long walks with RC cars

Resolution #2: Earn an Income

It's time for me to adult once again. I've been unemployed for a few years to focus on my health and happiness, but my years of savings are low. While my Dad suggested I wait until the pandemic passes to resume work again since he can support me financially, I'd welcome any additional income.

I'm not worried about my chances of getting a new salaried job. My extensive skills and abilities in my profession are strong enough to get me back into the workforce. I'm confident of this despite my recent extended hiatus from the workforce.

I'm worried about applying for and landing a position that best suits my professional interests. This is difficult for me because I've been considered great in areas that I either didn't enjoy (accounting) or triggered my social anxieties (teaching/training). I've produced successful results and received much praise throughout my career history, but I felt like I sacrificed happiness for success and money.

I'd need to do the following to get myself to the point where I can earn an income:

  • Complete certification class

  • Update CV and resumes

  • Update portfolio

  • Research industry trends of 2020/2021

  • Research titles and responsibilities that interests me most

I've even contemplated a career change. I worry that at my age a career change isn't feasible or realistic. However, my overly supportive Dad suggest I try to earn an income the way I did years ago as a young adult: through art.

The story of the life I wanted and why I didn't pursue it could be a topic for another blog post if you're interested. In short, I believed I had no skill or chance as an artist despite having work experience in freelance art and having sold my original artwork as a young adult. One of my greatest regrets in life was not pursuing a job that I enjoyed even though it didn't pay well at the time.

For the time being, I could attempt to make passive income doing something I enjoy by achieving my next resolution.

Resolution #3: Publish a Coloring Book

I've wanted to make a coloring book for years. Initially, I wanted to make a coloring book just to do it and keep it private for myself. Yet, I figured I should try to make a couple dollars on self-publishing a coloring book. Worst case is I wouldn't sell a copy. Best case is I'd make a few dollars to use towards spoiling my good dogs.

Pursuing this resolution may also let me know if part-time art is a possibility at my older, inexperienced age. If not, then I'd know to keep my day job (when I get one). If yes, then there are other things like participating in a craft fair that I'd like to try one day.

I have lots to learn about self-publishing, but I believe I'd need to do the following at the least:

  • Decide on a coloring book theme

  • Draw twenty or more full-page black-and-white images

  • Research self-publishing options (e.g., Amazon KDP)

Resolution #4

I didn't know what to write down for my fourth resolution. I knew I wanted to pursue something that would be challenging to achieve and complete.

My Dad suggested my last resolution should be over-the-top. My friend suggested I should "make some attainable ones and one that's a stretch" because there's "nothing wrong with that."

After much thought and discussions with my Dad and friends, I decided that I want to have fifty YouTube subscribers by my birthday. I have thirty-three YouTube subscribers as I write this blog post.

I thought I could do the following to help my wish come true:

  • Record my hobbies to entertain others

  • Improve my video editing skills

  • Continue uploading videos on a TTh schedule (consistency)

  • Reply to comments

There's probably more I can do to pursue this resolution, but I believe much of this is outside of my control. It'd depend on whether viewers enjoy my video content or not.

If I don't achieve this resolution within the next five months, that's OK. I'm uploading video clips of my hobbies and interests to YouTube for fun anyway. Video editing and production is practice for a skill I'll need for my profession.

If I do gain fifty subscribers by my birthday, then hopefully means I'm entertaining at least fifty viewers. It would also help me realize that I can overcome some of my doubts and fears of opening up and sharing a little about myself and my interests.

My Thoughts

I think I can do it! I think I can achieve and complete at least three of the four resolutions by the end of the year. I've already started a couple resolutions.

Yesterday, I ordered Nintendo's Ring Fit Adventure as a fun way to exercise and hopefully lose weight (Resolution #1). It arrived today, which is why this post is available later in the day than usual.

I've also doodled some images that I may include in my first coloring book (Resolution #3). I'm too shy and embarrassed to share more details about the theme I have in mind, but I hope to share my experience creating my first coloring book in a future blog post.

I've also started a new certification class. I'm renewing my certification in a software program. It's long, but it'll be worth it when I complete it.

Overall, I'm confident I can achieve and complete several resolutions before summer. I'm excited and can't wait to see what I accomplish over the next few months!

What's Next?

I've enjoyed simulation gaming a lot this past week. If you're interested in seeing some gameplay clips from Planet Zoo, a zoo management simulation game, check-out the Planet Zoo: Watching Some Animals... YouTube video I uploaded today.

Did you make any New Year's resolutions for 2021? Login and Sign up to share your goals and dreams for the new year. I wish you all the best in achieving your dreams for a better year!

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Thanks, and have a great day!

Simply Jelly Jam

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