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My Dogs' Resolutions for 2025

Writer: Simply Jelly JamSimply Jelly Jam

I thought it would be fun to imagine what their New Year resolutions would be.

Large Dog (Left) and Small Dog (Right)
Large Dog, Lucy (Left) and Small Dog, Rascal (Right)

For grins, I imagined what my dogs' resolutions for the new year would be if they could make them. I know what I want their resolutions to be, but I am certain they have other things in mind.

In case it's helpful, below are the main points covered in this post:

Resolutions I Want My Dogs to Have

I get that imagining my dogs' resolutions for the new year is silly, but I enjoy imagining 'what if' scenarios for my dogs! What if my dogs could make at least one major goal for themselves? Well, I know what goals I want them to have.

Rascal cannot stand when Lucy pets him. When her paw taps his head or booty, he whips around and screams at her. He sometimes lunges towards her, but he never attempts to hurt her. (He is also missing a lot of teeth, so he would not be able to cause damage if he tried.)

I get that Rascal is irritated by Lucy's human-like attention, but it is not like she is trying to hurt him. I would like Rascal's resolution to either accept Lucy's pets or learn to quietly ignore her. Speaking of quiet...

Lucy is an obnoxiously loud dog. She always attempts to make her own order at drive-thru speakers, yells at strangers when they pass too close to my parked vehicle while she is in it, screams at (or with?) another obnoxiously loud dog that is blocks away from us, curses at the neighborhood cats (or at least I hope she is cursing at them and not making horrifying threats), and argues with me when she stubbornly refuses to obey a command.

We have been working on a quiet command for a long time. While some progress has been made, I would like for Lucy's resolution to SHUT UP more often.

Resolutions I Believe My Dogs Would Make

The truth is that my dogs, if possible, would make their own resolutions unrelated to what I want for them.

Rascal recently developed an obsession with cats. He has a cat friend that stops by the house to greet him periodically. I imagine Rascal's resolution would be to bring home a kitten to call his own. He almost got his wish a couple of months ago when I made my biggest regret this year.

Lucy adores "joy rides" as I call it. She would quit whatever she is doing (eating, playing, napping, etc.) when she hears the word "go." She recently realized what bus stops are for and will wait to refuse to leave unless I carried her heavy eighty-plus pounds away from it. I imagine Lucy's resolution would be to go on a bus tour or another vehicle that will take her on a journey with lots to see.

What's Next?

If you believe you know your pet well, why not take time to figure out what your pet's New Year's resolution would be? It would be a fun thing to daydream about and distract you from the real world for a few minutes.

Comment below to share what you believe would be your pet's New Year's resolution.

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Thanks, and have a great day!

~Simply Jelly Jam


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Simply Jelly Jam


location: Texas, USA

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