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My Dream of a Friendly and Playful Fox

Sharing my dream and what the presence of a friendly and playful fox may represent.

Fox (Media from Wix)
Fox (Media from Wix)

I often have strange dreams that entertain or annoy at night while I sleep. However, it's not often I choose to research what a dream may mean after I wake. I thought I'd share a recent dream and what the fox may mean based on my online research.

My Dream

Despite being unemployed, I often dream about working in a job I want to quit. This was the case with my recent dream where I felt underappreciated, overworked, and stressed.

I was on a business trip to present at and attend a large conference event. After presenting a couple times to large groups of attendees, I was ready to relax by attending sessions that interested me. Unfortunately, I found myself running around to tackle annoying issues that required my immediate attention.

So many different individuals needed my expertise simultaneously, making multi-tasking extra challenging. I managed to address every issue presented to me in a speedy and professional manner.

Yet, I felt I couldn't properly handle the amount of work and pressure I dealt with my job. As an introvert, I was also overwhelmed by the non-stop socialization of the trip.

At the end of the day, I walked out of the building with tears rolling down my face. I wanted to quit then and there. I thought I preferred a simple, carefree life with over a well-paid successful career filled with never-ending stress.

I wanted to walk back to my hotel and clear my mind before I made an irrational decision that would prevent me from financially providing for myself, my dogs, and my parents.

As I walked away from the building, I saw a fox laying on the ground to my left. The fox looked at me, stood up, and casually approached me.

I thought to myself, 'Great. I'm about to be attacked in front of all these people.' Because I was mentally depressed, I didn't care if I was attacked.

Instead, the fox hopped around my legs. I soon realized it just wanted to play with me. I stopped and played with the fox. My sadness and stress were gone. I was filled with the same joy as when I play with my dogs.

I awoke feeling happy and refreshed. I thought it was a great way to end an otherwise bad dream.

What Does the Fox Represent in a Dream?

In reality, there were many times I felt either underappreciated, overworked, and/or stressed in the workplace. This was even the case when others acknowledged my efforts and expertise. I never believed I was good enough and found compliments and praise hard to believe. Much of the pressure I felt was self-imposed and I couldn't shake the feeling. I admit, since it's also True Confessions Day (March 15th), that I think very little of my skills and abilities.

Dreams about working in a job I wanted to quit are related to a few of my real-life fears and concerns. I didn't feel compelled to research the meaning of that part of my dream since I believed I knew what it represented.

The fox, on the other hand, was new to my dreams. I was curious to see what that meant, so I took to the web to see what people believed it represented.

Based on some online research to see what its presence could mean, I learned that it can be interpreted to mean many different things. In general, dreaming of a fox may represent:

  • A positive or negative outcome to something currently happening or about to happen in one's waking life.

  • A troublesome part of one's personality. (I've been known to pull pranks, so the latter wouldn't be surprising.)

  • A warning about tricky or untrustworthy individuals in one's life.

In other words, dreaming of a fox represents a subconscious reflection or warning.

In my online search, the following are common fox dreams and their potential meanings:

  • Chasing or being chased by a fox (repressed emotions).

  • A fox in the house/indoors (repressed behaviors).

  • A dead fox (possible threat or loss).

  • Killing a fox (inner peace or positive engagements).

  • A fox attacking/biting the dreamer (beware of deception).

  • A fox running (beware of others).

Perhaps the fox casually approaching me in my dream isn't that different from me being chased. After all, I was the sole individual targeted by the fox when it chose to approach me. I don't deny that I have many repressed emotions from my isolated past, but I'm not yet ready to express them through a blog post or even privately with an individual I can confide in.

What Does a Friendly and Playful Fox Mean?

I eventually quit browsing online dream dictionaries and searched specifically for "playful fox in dream" and "friendly fox in dream." For the most part, dreaming of a playful or friendly fox is positive, but may also allude to the hidden stress and suppressed emotions of the dreamer.

Auntyflo's Fox Dream Meaning article provided a more in-depth description of what it might mean to dream of a fox. It provided meanings for scenarios that weren't mentioned in other online dream dictionaries.

At the bottom of the webpage, the following question was addressed: What does it mean to play with a fox in a dream? Flo wrote that "a lot of creative people often dream of playing with foxes. It can also signify success and ambition."

This meaning makes sense to me. Foxes are known for being intelligent, cunning, and adaptive to change. Creative people are known for turning their dreams and visions into reality through works of art. Creative people are not unlikely to make changes and sacrifices in their lives in order to focus on their artwork and crafts. In a way, foxes and creatives have some similar traits.

Dreams'opedia also provided a description of what it meant to Dream About Friendly Fox. This article stated that a "friendly fox points to progress and achievement."

It continued to state that a fox in a dream represented suppressed emotional desires and fear of facing a harsh reality. Like Flo, it suggested taking a break from everyday stresses.

What is My Spirit Animal's article about Fox in Dreams... didn't describe playing with a fox as positively as the previous two articles I’ve read. It stated that playing with a fox may represent dangerous behaviors, opposition from others, or trust in the wrong person. In short, this article suggests the dreamer be forewarned of one's actions and untrustworthy people in real-life.

There are a variety of spiritual meanings for dreaming of a fox, friendly fox, and/or playful fox. To specifically dream of a friendly and playful fox is mostly positive, although stress may be an underlying factor in the dreamer's real life.

My Thoughts

I don't normally reference online dream dictionaries to determine what my dreams mean. I don't often care. I've always viewed my dreams as a reflection of real life or my own fictional entertainment programming to pass the time while I slept.

However, I sometimes get curious about something in my dream and search for meanings online for grins. That was the case with the friendly and playful fox since it was my first time ever dreaming about this animal.

The consensus is that dreaming of a fox represents a subconscious reflection or warning. Dreaming of a friendly and playful fox is mostly positive, although stress may be an underlying factor in the dreamer's real life.

Auntyflo's article referenced in this post stated that "a lot of creative people often dream of playing with foxes." This short sentence made me smile when I read it. I consider myself an amateur artist and crafter. I enjoy starting and completing different creative projects. It's a great stress-reliever that allows me to enjoy my life. I've been more creative the past few weeks to help me ignore everything that's been stressing me out.

More recently I've been stressing myself out over my small dog's surgery this coming Thursday. The thought of it potentially going wrong scares me. I find it hard to trust others, even those that are experts in their respective fields. I've kept my mind busy with arts and crafts while my small dog lays on my lap to suppress my fears. It seems several of the meanings I found online are true to my real-life.

What's Next?

I'm debating whether or not I want to start documenting some of my more bizarre dreams. I've heard of people maintaining a dream journal/diary, but I'm not sure I need another journal to keep track of.

Would you recommend a dream journal/diary? Comment below to share your thoughts about dream journals/diaries.

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Thanks, and have a great day!

Simply Jelly Jam


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Simply Jelly Jam


location: Texas, USA

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