Learn about this game in honor of National Tell A Lie Day on April 4th in the US.

I kid you not, April 4th is National Tell A Lie Day in the US. It's essentially a free pass to tell a lie within reason. Playing the game Two Truths and a Lie is a fun way to honor this random day of celebration.
In case it's helpful, below are the topics covered in this post:
About the Game
Two Truths and a Lie is a game typically played in a social group setting. It doesn't require any supplies or materials to play. Just a couple people at the least.
The game's often played as an ice breaker. An ice breaker is an activity that encourages people to warm up to conversation. It's sometimes played as a welcoming activity at the very start of a training event, online or face-to-face class, meeting, or work retreat.
I've only played the game in an educational and professional setting, but this may be an interesting game to consider for a family get together, party, or date.
The goal is for everyone to feel more comfortable in the social environment. A bonus is that everyone gets to learn a little trivia about everyone else. Depending on some of the truths shared, it could spark some great conversations.
How To Play
The game is played with at least two people. Many online sources recommend playing with a small group of people. If, for example, you want to have learners in a class/training or participants of a presentation play this game, it may be best to have everyone separate into smaller groups so that it doesn't take up too much time from the main agenda.
To play, a person shares three statements about themselves. Two of the statements are true (facts) while the other statement is a lie (fiction).
The statements don't have to be long or personally revealing. In an educational or professional setting, shorter is better so that everyone can move on to the next agenda sooner than later.
Consider establishing a theme or a few simple ground rules before starting. For example, everyone may be encouraged to share two truths and a lie about their education, achievements, hobbies, or something random unrelated to the social event.
After the three statements are shared with the other members of the group, those members guess which statement is the lie. They could have their own individual guesses or vote/agree on one guess for the group.
Once the guess(es) is made, the person reveals which statement was the lie.
The steps are repeated for the other members of the group until everyone had their turn sharing two truths and a lie.
Two Truths and a Lie About Me
For grins, below are three statements about me. Don't forget that two of the statements are true and one is a lie.
If you're a friend or family member reading this, good luck guessing! But you should know at least one of the true statements.
I once fostered a litter of six puppies.
I have never broken a bone in my body.
My only brother is eighteen years older than me.
What's Next?
With Easter around the corner, I want to decorate eggs. If I do, I may share a few simple designs with you. No lie!
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Thanks, and have a great day!
Simply Jelly Jam