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Why I Like Driving My RC Car

Writer: Simply Jelly JamSimply Jelly Jam

Updated: Nov 9, 2020

In short, I just enjoy it.

RC Custom License Plate
RC Custom License Plate

I'm somewhat new to the RC world, but I do own a few RC cars that I like to take for a walk. Yes, that's right. I like walking my RC cars as much as I like walking my dogs.

My RC cars capture a lot of attention. The sight of my RC driving seems to put a smile on people's faces. If someone driving a real life size version of my scale RC sees it, they often break out laughing.

Yet in my old hometown where my Mom still lives, I regularly receive glares. As an introvert, I can't shake the feeling that I'm being judged for playing with a toy as an adult. It really doesn't bother me because there are several reasons why I like driving my RC car.

Hobby Grade RC Allows Flexibility

VRX RC custom body paint of blue and black with a white stripe
VRX Custom Body Paint

Owning a hobby grade RC car allows me to 'play' faster and longer. I'm not ashamed to say I collect and play with toys, and I used to own a toy grade New Bright car. Yet with a hobby grade car, I'm able to modify it to fit my preferred specifications and drive style.

I can swap out the motor, ESC (electronic speed control), suspension, tires... just about everything on or in my RC car can be replaced and upgraded. All my RC cars were modified for more speed. In my case, my RC cars are not super-fast. They're not going to reach speeds of 40MPH. They're simply fast enough to keep up with my fastest walking speed, which is more than enough for me.

Many toy grade RC cars have a transmitter (controller) that allows simple functionality: forward, reverse, left, and right. Basic transmitters for hobby grade RC cars allow for the same functionalities. Like most parts of a hobby grade RC car, however, the transmitter can be upgraded to allow for even more functionality and greater control.

I personally like that my Flysky GT3B allows me to drive my RC car over a further distance than I would have with a toy grade RC car. This was especially useful the first time I used an FPV (first-person view) camera to drive my car around my house while I lounged on my couch. Using an FPV camera is like driving a car in a virtual reality game. It's a lot of fun... until it rolls over and I'm forced to get off my lazy rear-end to get the car upright.

I use LiPo (lithium polymer) batteries in my cars for added power and longer runtime. With a 2S LiPo in my Carisma Lynx for example, I'd likely have 2+ hours of driving before I need to change it. It's lightweight, gives my RC car more "oomph," and lasts longer than AA or some NiMH batteries.

However, I'm aware that there are risks to having LiPo batteries. If not handled with care, charged correctly, or stored properly, LiPo batteries can be dangerous. Fortunately, I think I've handled them with care and haven't had an issue. I also store them in a fireproof case for safe keeping.

Hobby grade RC cars typically cost more than buying a toy grade RC car. Replacing and upgrading parts, whether by choice or out of necessity, adds to the ongoing amount that may be spent on a car. I've only had hobby grade RC cars for a little over a year, but I don't regret the amount spent on upgrade parts that give me a more relaxing drive.

I Find the 'Drive' Relaxing

Carisma Lynx RC gray body with mountain vinyl decals
Carisma Lynx Gray Body with Vinyl Decals

Relaxation is crucial to one's health and necessary for anyone feeling stressed out. Some experts (which I'm not) suggest deep breaths, fresh air, and physical activity as relaxation strategies. I'm able to apply each strategy when I drive my RC car at a park or anywhere I'm permitted to do so.

As an extremely shy introvert, going out in public is uncomfortable, embarrassing for reasons I can't logically explain, and nerve-racking. This doesn't stop me from walking my dogs or having a friendly encounter with strangers, but it doesn't make it an easy 'stroll in the park' either.

My dogs are great at helping me feel less anxious when we're out at the park. I check to make sure they're well-behaved, friendly with other dogs they may greet, not pulling on the leash, not uncomfortable, and not in any other person's way. My dogs are quite well-behaved, and I don't worry about them doing anything wrong on our walks. We also don't walk for hours on end because of Shadow's arthritis, so I'd don't worry much about them feeling uncomfortable.

Yet I still feel uneasy at the park, especially when the park is empty. I'm not referring to external dangers, but rather the danger of my mind wandering into thoughts of problems, issues, or worries lingering in the back of my head. Some say it's easier to clear your mind when you're one with nature. It's easy for my mind to fill up with random thoughts that don't necessarily make me feel relaxed.

Yet when I drive my RC car, I have an extra distraction. I'm more focused on my dogs and my RC car, meaning less room in my mind for random, unwanted or unnecessary thoughts. With my RC car, I'm surprisingly able to clear my mind. My dogs walk alongside my RC car, like it's a member of our pack, and that makes me smile. If I put in my earbuds and start my playlist, then I'm really relaxed and ready for a long walk!

I Walk More (Yay, healthy habit!)

Redcat Racing Everest 10 RC with blue body
Redcat Racing Everest 10

Because I'm relaxed when driving my RC car, I feel more comfortable taking longer walks on my own. Yes, I walk my dogs, but Shadow cannot walk as far or long in his older age, and Rascal won't walk without Shadow. It would be nice if my Dad or a friend would sit with Shadow on a park bench while Rascal and I took an extended stroll, but that's not often an option.

Since I enjoy driving my RC car so much, I found that I walked a lot more. There were days where I'd walk on my own for 2 or 3 hours. Since a couple of my cars are rock crawlers, I'd look for off road opportunities to see what they're capable of.

Ducks and an RC Car
Ducks and an RC Car

My RC car draws the attention of passers-by and small wildlife for some reason. I've seen many turtles, ducks, opossums, rabbits, and squirrels come out of their hiding places to watch my RC car. Initially I thought I was disturbing them, and that they were coming out to checkout a new potential threat. That is until I sat in a park one day to be surrounded by ducks for over an hour as I drove my RC car. Definitely a Disney Princess moment.

I Enjoy Decorating the RC Body

Yellow Pickup Truck Body with Color Shift Paint Detail
Yellow Pickup Truck Body with Color Shift Paint Detail

I love customizing RC bodies. A very quick and simple customization I've tried before was hydro dipping a pre-painted body with marbling paint. I've also used my Cricut Explore Air 2 to cut vinyl decals for a plain, gray body. Spray painting clear bodies is by far my favorite way to customize an RC body.

Adding scale accessories is also fun. I've added headlights and a light bar to my lastest Carisma Lynx body. It's sometimes fun to drive at night and clearly see the path ahead of my RC car. The lights make it easier for me to see the car at night or in a rain shower.

I've also added custom made accessories to my RC cars. I made a car top carrier of heavy chipboard to store small items like Bondic, AA batteries for my transmitter, hand sanitizer, and gum or a small snack. Sometimes I take off the lid and place a Funko Pop in the carrier when I'm feeling goofy. It's a useful and cheaply made accessory for my RC car.

RC Car Towing an RC Car on a Trailer
RC Car Towing an RC Car on a Trailer

My Dad made me a trailer. A lot of times I load the trailer with another RC car. Although when I have a picnic at the park with my dogs, I use the trailer to haul a small lunchbox, dog bowls, bottle of water, blanket, and a small bag of stuff (e.g. RC tools, sketchbook, markers, etc.).

In Conclusion, It's Just Fun

The flexibility of owning hobby grade RC cars makes the 'drive' relaxing and fun. I walk more when I'm relaxed. I also really enjoy how creative I can get with customizing RC bodies and accessories. I hope to customize my Redcat Racing Everest 10 soon.

Do you drive hobby grade RCs? What type of vehicle? I want to hear from you! Login and Sign up to brag about your RC car(s).

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Thanks, and have a great day!

Simply Jelly Jam


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Simply Jelly Jam


location: Texas, USA

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